Metatron has built a really cool place with wonderful details in Cloud Party, the Metro 2033 (Dmitry Glukhovsky) VDNKh station. You can visit it here: Background story:
"In 2013, a nuclear war occurred, forcing a large amount of Moscow's surviving population to relocate to underground metro stations in search of refuge from the outside world. Eventually, those who settled in the underground train stations evolved their homes into independent station-countries. Soon, new factions grew, starting with new Soviet Union (whose members were strong Marx idealists) and the Fourth Reich (orneo-Nazis)".
"As these small states began to evolve, the New Soviet Union and the Fourth Reich entered war, as both sought to control the metro and its resources. As the war raged, those stations who refused to join either side were massacred by the militants, raided by bandits, or outright destroyed by the Dark Ones - paranormal, otherworldly, mutated humans and animals who live in the nuclear-ravaged surface world. In one of these stations is where the events of Metro 2033 unfold." Read on:
"The background: I know this dates me, but the best way I can think of to describe Cloud Party is that it has the same relationship to Second Life that Facebook had to MySpace — it’s similar in feel, but due to some snappy technological innovations, much easier to get into and to share your creations (“click-to-connect” is the buzzword), and aims to be somewhat classier. " ~ Ben Davis
Building Class "Basic Training" and the subject this time is "Materials" in Cloud Party 21 of may 6 PM UK time! This Video helps you to join our live training sessions in Cloud Party for free:
High alps was last weeks themed island in Cloud Party. Brr cold, so you need a warm jacket! But fortunately some people has set up some nice cabins with fireplaces and stuff. So join us and help us build these themed islands together.
Cloud Party is not only about clouds, there is water too! And you can get it for free, modify it and place it around your own island, in a pool or something.